Special Body Part Sessions


Choose one body part: Head and Face, Lumbar and Leg, Spine Balancing, Breast (ladies only), Viscera, Neck and Shoulder, Foot.

Head and Face session

This is mainly applicable for headache, dizziness, cold, insomnia, hemicranias, prosopalgia, toothache, rhinitis and facioplegia sequelae.

Lumbar and Leg session

This is mainly applicable for discomfort in lumbar area and legs: lumbar muscle strain, acute lumbar muscle sprain, lumbar intervertebral disc hernia, degenerative change of lumbar vertebra, sciatica, chronic gonitis, acute ankle strain, and heel pain.

Spine Balancing session

This is designed for scoliosis, unbalanced shoulders, unbalanced back, uneven leg length, and pelvis dis-alignment.

Breast session

This is mainly applicable for mammary gland hyperplasia, acute mastitis and breast care.

Viscera session

This is mainly applicable for hypertension, insomnia, constipation, obesity, gastrointestinal dysfunction, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, fibroid, climacteric syndrome, chronic pelvic inflammatory disease and prostatitis.

Neck and Shoulder session

This is mainly applicable for discomfort in the neck and shoulders: cervical spondylosis, stiff neck, stiff shoulders, insomnia, scapulohumeral periarthritis, arm numbness and tennis elbow.





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